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Missing T4 Slip?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires all employers to have T4 slips in the mail by the last day of February each year. If you have not received yours by March 7, you will need to take steps to get it.

Starting in 2016, your income tax preparer can access your T4 slips through their CRA certified software. As long as your employer has filed your T4 slip with the CRA, you will be able to get the information needed to file your tax return.

If the CRA does not have the T4 slip on file, you are still responsible for getting the information and declaring the income.

First, contact your employer. Find out when they were sent out, and if the employer has your correct address. If your T4 slip got lost in the mail, your employer will be able to give you a copy of it.

If you are unable to reach your employer, look for your pay stubs. If you can find your final pay stub, it has all of the information you need to file your taxes. Attach a note to your return explaining why you do not have a T4 slip and what steps you took to obtain one.

If you do not have your paystubs, you will have to estimate your earnings for the year. Check your calendar, figure out how many days you worked, and make note of your rate of pay. Attach a note to your tax return with the name and address of your employer along with any other contact information you have and an explanation of how you arrived at the amount you are reporting.

Sooner or later, the CRA will catch up with the employers who failed to issue T4 slips. By reporting the income, you will avoid being assessed Penalties and Interest when that happens.

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